Liberty County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners

The County Commission, also known as the Board of Commissioners, is the elected and governing authority of Liberty County.  The Board provides representation in matters of public concern for the citizens of Liberty County.  The Board is comprised of six – each elected by six districts– and the Chairman who is elected at-large from the County.

The Board makes broad policy decisions and provides guidance and direction regarding the services and long range goals of the County.  All members, including the Chairman, are required to vote on an issue before the Board. The chairman acts as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the County government.  A County Administrator is selected by the Board for daily administration of the affairs of Liberty County.

Eddie J. Walden

The City of Flemington is in District 6.  The District 6 Commissioner is Eddie J. Walden.

Contact Info

Eddie J. Walden
Commissioner District 6
112 N Main Street Room 201, Courthouse Annex
(912) 876-2164
[email protected]
Visit Website