About Us

Welcome to the City of Flemington! We are defined less by boundaries on a map than by the sense of shared values our residents hold dear. We take pride in maintaining a wholesome lifestyle, rich in cultural history, along with a deep commitment to the preservation of our environment and a progressive approach to local business. 

Flemington was chartered on February 18th, 1941 by an act of legislature of the State of Georgia.  In accordance with its Charter, the city is governed by a duly elected Mayor and six Council members.  


mission statement

To develop and administer policies and programs which promote a wholesome, progressing environment, reflecting the traditional values of our heritage while embracing a dynamic vision of our future.


Preserving our Heritage

Shaping our Future

Photo Credit: Brian Brown, https://vanishinggeorgia.com/2023/03/06/city-hall-flemington/


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I live in Flemington or Hinesville?

You live in the City of Flemington! We had our own post office from 1889 until 1966 when the USPS made ZIP codes mandatory. At that time, we didn't have enough houses to sustain our post office, so it was closed down and the Hinesville post office started delivering our mail. That is why you have a Hinesville mailing address.

FUN FACT #1: You can put Flemington, GA 31313 and your mail will still arrive.

FUN FACT #2: The building that housed our post office and general store is still standing and is currently being utilized as a house of faith! It's located on the corner of Old Sunbury Rd. and Old Hines Rd. This picture shows the Flemington City Council being sworn in on its front porch. with the post office sign hanging on the top right.

Are Flemington and Fleming the same place?

No, but the cities are named after a father and son.  Flemington was named after William Fleming Sr., who founded the retreat.  And Fleming was named after his son, Capt. William Fleming (Jr.) 


Fleming is also in Liberty County, so we can understand why folks may get confused.  

Flemington to Fleming 

Why is McLarry's Curve shaped like that?

I was poking around in the archives of images of Flemington when I came across this 1918 map that might explain why McLarry's Curve is so sharp. Turns out that there was a Savannah Hinesville and Western Rail track system shaped in just that way. Coincidence? Maybe. There's a great article about it by a Liberty County treasure, Ms. Judy Shippey in the Coastal Courier. Historical maps can be found in lots of archives. If you find something cool, let us know!